Mills Albert Forestry Limited

For other services check out "Mills Albert Limited"(Civil)
About Us
Mills Albert Forestry essentially started when Mills Albert Ltd first started. The company founders started logging trees in a small capacity along with advancing the civil earthworks aspect of the business. Mills Albert then implemented a small ground-based harvesting crew which primarily did the smaller woodlot blocks or opened up blocks for subsequent earthworks and harvesting works by larger external crews.
In 2017 Mills Albert transitioned from a ground-based crew into a cable harvesting (hauler crew) and its numbers increased to between 5-10 staff. This was a major transition for Mills Albert with the new capability allowing the crew to operate on a commercial scale. This capability also leads the way for Mills Albert to transition into a 90% mechanised crew which modernised the operation considerably.
The harvesting crew has a strong physical and spiritual mana associated with it. It is a high-risk industry that creates a strong ‘forestry brotherhood’ throughout the industry. This is also manifested in our harvesting crew who are proud Mills Albert loggers who work physically hard every day and almost never stop regardless of weather or ground conditions.
Running alongside that but currently still on the civil side (at this stage) is the forestry roading (forestry engineering) aspect. Whilst not a part of the harvesting crew, this capability operates across the broader forestry community working alongside many external harvesting contractors and consultants. The forestry roading compliments the harvesting and vice versa with both capabilities opening up opportunities for the other.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 04-905-8683 or fill out the following form
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Get a quote: 04-905-8683